About us

Castlethorpe Community Space CIC is a Community Interest Company limited by guarantee. It is owned by its Members. Any resident of Castlethorpe over the age of 18 or any non-resident who has strong connections to the village can apply to be a Member and are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
The initial directors are Lawrence Chapman (Chair), Phil Ayles, Steve Bradbury, Russell Forgham, Ian Horne, and Luke Jefferies. The Company Secretary is Gordon Fleming.
The company will hold an Annual General Meeting in which the directors will report to members on activities during the preceding year, present the accounts and members will 

elect directors for the following year. The directors are not remunerated, no assets can be disposed of for less than market value and any financial surplus (profit) can only be used for the good of the community.
The Company Number is 15318532 and the company is VAT registered. Its Articles of Association can be seen here.
The company can be contacted by email castlethorpecommunityspace@gmail.com or by phone on 07836 504830. Its registered address is 63, Thrupp Close, Castlethorpe, Milton Keynes MK19 7PL.
Castlethorpe Community Space does not operate The Pavilion Bar and Cafe directly but through a tenant, Clare Vachell.