Welcome to
Space CIC

We are the not-for-profit Community Interest Company which manages the new Community Space called The Pavilion Café and Bar at the Sports Ground in Castlethorpe on behalf of the Parish Council. The CIC currently has six directors: three are residents and three from the Parish Council.

The Pavilion set to open on Saturday 1 March  

The Pavilion Café & Bar is set to open to customers on Saturday 1st March, with an official opening later by our MP Chris Curtis on Saturday 22 March.
As you will know, the Parish Council built The Pavilion, a community interest company Castlethorpe Community Space is equipping it and letting it to a tenant, Castlethorpe resident Clare Vachell from Lodge Farm Café, who will run it.
All the furniture and tables have finally arrived and there’s just a few items of kitchen equipment still to come. And Clare is very busy recruiting staff, contracting with suppliers and all the administration of starting a new business but it is very exciting as we move into the final month of a 
three year – and arguably eight year – project to bring a café and bar to Castlethorpe.
In addition to large grants from MK Community Foundation and the National Lottery Community Fund, we have raised around £10,000 in donations from residents, the Duck Race, the Carrington Trust, Castlethorpe Cricket Club and from Liam Andrews’ Ward Councillors’ fund and several local businesses, including Hickford Construction, Universal Blinds and Diyses.
This has made a huge difference between an “it will do” Pavilion and a “really great” one, so we say a sincere thank you to everyone who has helped us and we look forward to seeing you at The Pavilion.

Building The Pavilion Café and Bar

Our village has been without a pub since the Carrington Arms closed in 2008 and has never had a café or a casual spot for people to gather, even though surveys showed this is the top request from residents.
In 2022, the owner of the Carrington Arms informed the Parish Council that he no longer planned to redevelop the site and would instead sell it. This prompted the Parish Council to explore building a new Café and Bar. They planned to use a mix of "planning gain" funds, council reserves, a generous grant from the MK Community Foundation, and a low-cost Government loan.
In 2023, a Parish Advisory Poll showed strong support for the project, with 337 votes in favour and only 56 against.
The only suitable location was at the Sports Ground. Plans were created to remodel the cricket pavilion, adding larger changing rooms, new toilets, and an extension for a kitchen, serving area and customer seating. 
Construction began at the end of 2023 and was finished by mid-2024. The Parish Council then leased the building to Castlethorpe Community Space, a newly formed Community Interest Company which is owned by its members. Any resident over 18, or non-residents with strong ties to the village, can apply to become a member.
Castlethorpe Community Space raised additional funds to equip the pavilion with a kitchen, serving area, and customer furnishings. This included more "planning gain" funds, a significant grant from the National Lottery Community Fund and generous donations from local residents.
The Pavilion Café and Bar will be a warm, welcoming space for everyone, especially older residents who can meet friends and enjoy much-needed company. It will also cater to remote workers looking for a change of scenery and visitors to the outdoor gym and other sports facilities at the Sports Ground. 


If you would like to donate to improve this wonderful facility, the best way is to make a donation by bank transfer to:
Castlethorpe Community Space
Sort code: 30-99-50 Account No: 24030663
Please confirm your donation by emailing 

You can also donate with a credit or debit card at
Please note that Crowdfunder automatically
adds a "tip to help fund its operation but you can
alter the amount from 0% to 100% by clicking
on "Enter custom amount".

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Contact us


The Pavilion, Thrupp Close, Castlethorpe,
Milton Keynes MK19 7PL


07836 504830

© 2025 Castlethorpe Community Space CIC.
Company Number: 15318532    VAT No 481 3482 83